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download the witcher 3 free full version


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt presents the ultimate part to the adventure RPG series where you play as Geralt of Rivia, a monster hunter for hire with superhuman abilities. The game is developed by CD Projekt RED for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC, in both the physical and download version, and it features a wide open-world with ample freedom and superior graphics that are a touchstone for the video gaming industry.
Based on the novels by Andrezj Sapkowski, the title continues the history of Geralt as a Witcher, a human strictly trained with body-morphing abilities to hunt with incredible reflexes and strength. Riding your horse, you will find a whole new fantasy world, bigger than ever before, and the grand finale of Geralt’s story.

The creation of the environment transports you to a realistic world

The graphics have been greatly enhanced thanks to the new REDengine 3 and the auxiliary help of SpeedTree and PhysX by Nvidia. With these advanced modeling tools and advanced technical features such as the tessellation, the game offers an incredible visual aspect. The creation of the environment transports you to a realistic world. The villages and the cities are crowded with people, and some of them are not as friendly as you may wish. The monsters and creatures you find are astonishing, but even so, you´ll have to dispatch them as part of your quest.

Enemies' design is quite extraordinary

General gameplay

One of the most innovative parts to the title is that the developers have not tried to include any kind of loading screen, in order to make flow more easily than other similar games. This is a hard work since the world created for The Witcher 3 is huge, with vast plains and fully detailed cities.
The gameplay is a classic of the role-playing genre with some details that make it more dynamic and tactical than before. You can choose to be fighting with swords, with magic and both at the same time. Bearing this in mind, you will have to equip Geralt properly before any battle.
The title features a choice system, that´s very popular in the RPG genre nowadays. These decisions mark the events during the plot, and may change some events, so it is important to follow your kharma way. According to Marek Ziemak, producer of The Witcher 3, there are 36 possible endings depending on the choices you make, so you must be ready for that.

Cities are more alive than ever before
Cities are more alive than ever before

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Full Version Features

Check the list of features that is listed below for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt:

  • Enhance graphical aspect with the new and polished REDengine 3, created for this version
  • Choice system that can alter the events during the story and even the ending, with up to 36 different possibilities
  • Over 100 hours of gameplay and different content exploring the vast world and side quests
  • Giant free open-world full of living cities, small villages and great landscapes with different ecosystems and weather
  • Dynamic combat with different possibilities and approaches to the same battle
  • Customize Geralt with different weapons, skills and by casting spells as with other RPGs
  • Hunt dangerous monsters that threaten the peaceful way of life of citizens and villagers

If you need more information about the title before the download, you are free to check its official webpage.

System Requirements

Here you can check the required specifications of your PC to run The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt:

  • Operating System: Windows 7 or later
  • CPU: AMD Phenom II X2 555 or Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 at 3 GHZ or faster
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Video Card: Nvidia GeForce GT 140 series or similar
  • HDD: 18 GB free space on disk plus the download file
  • DirectX 11 previously installed in your PC

- See more at:

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt presents the ultimate part to the adventure RPG series where you play as Geralt of Rivia, a monster hunter for hire with superhuman abilities. The game is developed by CD Projekt RED for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC, in both the physical and download version, and it features a wide open-world with ample freedom and superior graphics that are a touchstone for the video gaming industry.
Based on the novels by Andrezj Sapkowski, the title continues the history of Geralt as a Witcher, a human strictly trained with body-morphing abilities to hunt with incredible reflexes and strength. Riding your horse, you will find a whole new fantasy world, bigger than ever before, and the grand finale of Geralt’s story.

The creation of the environment transports you to a realistic world

The graphics have been greatly enhanced thanks to the new REDengine 3 and the auxiliary help of SpeedTree and PhysX by Nvidia. With these advanced modeling tools and advanced technical features such as the tessellation, the game offers an incredible visual aspect. The creation of the environment transports you to a realistic world. The villages and the cities are crowded with people, and some of them are not as friendly as you may wish. The monsters and creatures you find are astonishing, but even so, you´ll have to dispatch them as part of your quest.

Enemies' design is quite extraordinary

General gameplay

One of the most innovative parts to the title is that the developers have not tried to include any kind of loading screen, in order to make flow more easily than other similar games. This is a hard work since the world created for The Witcher 3 is huge, with vast plains and fully detailed cities.
The gameplay is a classic of the role-playing genre with some details that make it more dynamic and tactical than before. You can choose to be fighting with swords, with magic and both at the same time. Bearing this in mind, you will have to equip Geralt properly before any battle.
The title features a choice system, that´s very popular in the RPG genre nowadays. These decisions mark the events during the plot, and may change some events, so it is important to follow your kharma way. According to Marek Ziemak, producer of The Witcher 3, there are 36 possible endings depending on the choices you make, so you must be ready for that.

Cities are more alive than ever before
Cities are more alive than ever before

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Full Version Features

Check the list of features that is listed below for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt:

  • Enhance graphical aspect with the new and polished REDengine 3, created for this version
  • Choice system that can alter the events during the story and even the ending, with up to 36 different possibilities
  • Over 100 hours of gameplay and different content exploring the vast world and side quests
  • Giant free open-world full of living cities, small villages and great landscapes with different ecosystems and weather
  • Dynamic combat with different possibilities and approaches to the same battle
  • Customize Geralt with different weapons, skills and by casting spells as with other RPGs
  • Hunt dangerous monsters that threaten the peaceful way of life of citizens and villagers

If you need more information about the title before the download, you are free to check its official webpage.

System Requirements

Here you can check the required specifications of your PC to run The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt:

  • Operating System: Windows 7 or later
  • CPU: AMD Phenom II X2 555 or Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 at 3 GHZ or faster
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Video Card: Nvidia GeForce GT 140 series or similar
  • HDD: 18 GB free space on disk plus the download file
  • DirectX 11 previously installed in your PC
- See more at:

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Update – 🙂
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